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The Impact of Digital Media

Computers were developed for a long time before they were finally made available to almost everyone.

However, between the time computers were invented and when they became affordable to the general public, their computing powers have significantly increased.

For some reason, the availability of smartphones and personal computers has increased the effectiveness of digital media.

The simplicity with which digital media can be shared, accessed, and modified is the reason for this.

The Innovations of Digital Media

On the surface, digital media may not appear to be significantly superior to other innovations that have occurred over the years.

Regardless, digital media has a significant advantage over other innovations, as since it’s arrival, digital media has prompted significant innovation in a wide range of economic sectors.

Education, journalism, entertainment, publishing and other industries have been particularly affected.

Although the impact of digital media on many sectors of the economy has been enormous, it does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

Using Digital Tools for Positive change

This website focuses on the contribution of digital media technologies on activists and social movements. It argues that digital media is a less violent method of participation which allows citizens to engage, targeting to effect social change and form solidarity around their activist programs. Impact of social networks, blogs, photos and illustrations, online petitions and crowdsourcing platforms will be reviewed.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead
Internet Activism: How are political movements shaped online? | Big Think
Digital Activism: Using Technology to Empower Change| Darrick Morrison| TEDxTRU
How #BlacKLivesMatter and #METoo Went From Hashtags to Movements |Fired Up| ELLE
Occupy Wall Street: The Story Behind Seven Months of Protest
How Online Social Movements Translate to Offline results
Digital Activism and how it can unify| Jess Nicholss|TEDxYouth@GandyStreet